What happens if eyelash gets in your eye?

Most of the time, when you feel an eyelash in your eye, it moves around the surface of the eyespot like an ice cube on a tile floor. It can also move under the upper or lower eyelids. The body will naturally remove objects from the eye by blinking and creating more tears. Usually, an eyelash in the eye is a temporary inconvenience that you can quickly resolve yourself.

In fact, it's very rare for something to actually get stuck in the eye. The eye socket is REALLY good at removing debris fairly quickly. In fact, that liquid layer in the eye prevents dust and particles from coming into contact with the actual surface of the eyeshadow. When you have the feeling that something is stuck in your eye, what you normally feel is the place where something came into contact with the eyglobe and slightly damaged its delicate nerves, making it look like there is something in the eye.

Eyelashes that rub against the cornea (the transparent front of the eye) for a long time can cause eye irritation or a more serious condition on the surface of the eye. You can identify that what you have in your eye is an eyelash if you stand in front of a mirror, hold it open and move it from one side to the other. If you feel like you have an eyelash in your eye but can't find it, there may be something else at play. If an eyelash gets stuck in your eye or a child's eye for more than an hour, you may need to call a medical professional for help.

If your child has an eyelash stuck in the eye, don't use your fingernails or any other sharp object to try to grab it. If an eyelash has been floating in your eye for about a minute or so, it can start to drive you a little crazy. In some situations, you may need the help of an eye doctor or optometrist to safely remove the eyelash. It's usually no reason to start freaking out because the tear duct and the nasal passage are connected, so the eyelashes will be removed from the system through the nose.

Repeated attempts to remove an eyelash from an eye can scratch and irritate the cornea, increasing the risk of eye infections. Ingrown eyelashes are a common condition in which eyelashes grow under the eyelid instead of facing out. If you often feel the sensation of an eyelash or other object under your eyelid, you may have a dry eye or an inflamed eyelid. Not rubbing your eye or eyelash can cause a corneal abrasion, which will take several days to heal.

If your eyelashes fall out frequently, you may be experiencing hair loss or an eyelid infection. You can also injure your eyelid or cornea when you try to remove the eyelash with your fingernails or a sharp object.

Bernard Hackshaw
Bernard Hackshaw

Evil travel expert. Infuriatingly humble beer buff. Devoted travel practitioner. Subtly charming twitteraholic. Hardcore twitter buff. Infuriatingly humble thinker.